Frequently Asked Questions
What if I am afraid of horses or never been around horses?
That's O.K.! In fact, it may be an asset. Working through your fears may show some patterns and behaviors you were not aware of. Having an open mind is key to the process.
But, I do not know how to ride!
That is O.K. too. With EAGALA therapy there is no riding. All work is done from the ground.
What if I am an experienced equestrian?
Having horse experience does not inhibit your process. This program is not about horsemanship skills rather what a horse can teach you about yourself.
What do I wear?
Comfortable shoes (closed toe required). You may want to dress in layers - you will be outside and possibly a little muddy. A rain jacket is a good idea.
What about severe weather?
All activities are outside. We will continue with light rain. If there is a heavy down pour or lightning we will wait it out in the barn. If bad weather is predicted the session may be rescheduled.
Is this a riding program for children with disabilities?
No, this program specializes in counseling and leadership for ages 16 to adult. Horses are used to help you address struggles in your life.
What issues are supported or addressed in Equine Assisted Learning (EAL)?
That's O.K.! In fact, it may be an asset. Working through your fears may show some patterns and behaviors you were not aware of. Having an open mind is key to the process.
But, I do not know how to ride!
That is O.K. too. With EAGALA therapy there is no riding. All work is done from the ground.
What if I am an experienced equestrian?
Having horse experience does not inhibit your process. This program is not about horsemanship skills rather what a horse can teach you about yourself.
What do I wear?
Comfortable shoes (closed toe required). You may want to dress in layers - you will be outside and possibly a little muddy. A rain jacket is a good idea.
What about severe weather?
All activities are outside. We will continue with light rain. If there is a heavy down pour or lightning we will wait it out in the barn. If bad weather is predicted the session may be rescheduled.
Is this a riding program for children with disabilities?
No, this program specializes in counseling and leadership for ages 16 to adult. Horses are used to help you address struggles in your life.
What issues are supported or addressed in Equine Assisted Learning (EAL)?
What issues are appropriate to bring to Equine Assisted Psychotherapy (EAP)?
If you have other questions regarding our program, call us at (615)689-0191 or fill out contact form today.